Sharps Container 6ltr Sharps Container 6ltr
3.5 stars - "Review for Sharps Container 6ltr" This Sharps Container 6ltr is the best Sharps Disposal I have tried.
  • Sharps Container 6ltr - Image 1
  • Sharps Container 6ltr - Image 1
WA Safety

Sharps Container 6ltr

Product ID: FA1347
Brand: WA Safety
From: $21.90 AUD

View or buy the Sharps Disposal First Aid - Sharps Container 6ltr from WA Safety to discover other options and shipping details.



Provide a safe way of disposing of sharps with this unit, Disposable needles, scalpel blades and other sharp items capable of causing injury must be places into puncture-resistant containers (e.g. sharp containers) located as close as possible to the area in which they are used. 
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